Full OP Succinct

Running OP Succinct in full mode will generate proofs of valid OP Stack L2 outputs and submit them to the L1.


You will need a whitelisted key on the Succinct Prover Network. Follow the instructions here to get your key whitelisted.

To get access to the Succinct Prover Network for OP Succinct, fill out this form. The Succinct team will reach out to you with an RPC endpoint you can use.


1) Contract deployment environment variables

In the root directory, create a file called .env and set the following environment variables:

L1_RPCL1 Archive Node.
L1_BEACON_RPCL1 Beacon Node.
L2_RPCL2 Execution Node (op-geth).
L2_NODE_RPCL2 Rollup Node (op-node).
PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key for the account that will be deploying the contract.
ETHERSCAN_API_KEYEtherscan API key for verifying the deployed contracts.

There are additional optional parameters that you can set in the .env file. See the Advanced Parameters section for more information.

2) Deploy the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract

This contract is a modification of the L2OutputOracle contract which verifies a proof along with the proposed state root.

Then, deploy the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract.

just deploy-oracle

If successful, you should see the following output:

% just deploy-oracle    
warning: op-succinct-scripts@0.1.0: fault-proof built with release-client-lto profile
warning: op-succinct-scripts@0.1.0: range built with release-client-lto profile
warning: op-succinct-scripts@0.1.0: native_host_runner built with release profile
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 9.00s
     Running `target/release/fetch-rollup-config --env-file .env`
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠘] Compiling 2 files with Solc 0.8.15
[⠃] Solc 0.8.15 finished in 1.72s
Compiler run successful!
Script ran successfully.

== Return ==
0: address 0xde4656D4FbeaC0c0863Ab428727e3414Fa251A4C

## Setting up 1 EVM.


Chain 11155111

Estimated gas price: 1.57226658 gwei

Estimated total gas used for script: 2746913

Estimated amount required: 0.00431887950806754 ETH


In these deployment logs, 0xde4656D4FbeaC0c0863Ab428727e3414Fa251A4C is the address of the proxy for the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract. This deployed proxy contract is used to track the verified state roots of the OP Stack chain on L1.

3) op-succinct service environment variables

To start the op-succinct service, add the following parameters to the .env file in the root directory:

L2OO_ADDRESSThe address of the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract from the previous step.
NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEYThe private key for the account that will be submitting proofs to the L1.
NETWORK_RPC_URLThe RPC endpoint for the Succinct Prover Network. The default endpoint (https://rpc.succinct.xyz) is not suitable for use in OP Succinct. Reach out to the Succinct team to get access with OP Succinct.

Now, you should have the following in your .env file:

L1_RPCL1 Archive Node.
L1_BEACON_RPCL1 Beacon Node.
L2_RPCL2 Execution Node (op-geth).
L2_NODE_RPCL2 Rollup Node (op-node).
PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key for the account that will be deploying the contract and relaying proofs on-chain.
ETHERSCAN_API_KEYEtherscan API key for verifying the deployed contracts.
L2OO_ADDRESSThe address of the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract from the previous step.
NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEYThe private key for the account that will be submitting proofs to the L1.
NETWORK_RPC_URLReach out to the Succinct team to get access here. The default endpoint (https://rpc.succinct.xyz) is not suitable for use in OP Succinct.

4) Start the op-succinct service.

We provide a Docker Compose file for running the op-succinct service.

Build the Docker Compose setup.

docker compose build

Run OP Succinct

This command launches OP Succinct in the background. It launches two containers: one container that manages proof generation and another container that is a small fork of the original op-proposer service.

After a few minutes, you should see the OP Succinct service start to request proofs from the Succinct Prover Network. Once enough proofs have been generated, an aggregate proof will be requested and submitted to the L1.

docker compose up

To see the logs of the op-succinct service, run:

docker compose logs -f

To stop the op-succinct service, run:

docker compose stop