Updating OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle Parameters

If you just need to update the aggregationVkey, rangeVkeyCommitment or rollupConfigHash parameters and not upgrade the contract itself, you can use the just update-parameters command.

The command will only update the parameters in the contract if they don't match the verification keys or the rollup config hash locally.

1. Configure your environment

First, ensure that you have the correct environment variables set in your .env file. See the Configuration section for more information.

2. Update the parameters

If you are updating the parameters with an EOA ADMIN key, you will execute the parameter update calls with the ADMIN key. If you do not have the ADMIN key, the call below will output the raw calldata for the parameter update calls, which can be executed by the "owner" in a separate context.

Updating Parameters with an EOA ADMIN key

To update the parameters of the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract with an EOA ADMIN key, run the following command in /contracts.

just update-parameters

Updating Parameters with a non-EOA ADMIN key

If the owner of the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle is not an EOA (e.g. multisig, contract), set EXECUTE_UPGRADE_CALL to false in your .env file. This will output the raw calldata for the parameter update calls, which can be executed by the owner in a separate context.

EXECUTE_UPGRADE_CALLSet to false to output the raw calldata for the parameter update calls.

Then, run the following command in /contracts.

just update-parameters
% just update-parameters
warning: op-succinct-scripts@0.1.0: fault-proof built with release-client-lto profile
warning: op-succinct-scripts@0.1.0: range built with release-client-lto profile
warning: op-succinct-scripts@0.1.0: native_host_runner built with release profile
    Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.35s
     Running `target/release/fetch-rollup-config --env-file .env`
[⠊] Compiling...
Script ran successfully.

== Logs ==
  The calldata for upgrading the aggregationVkey is:
  The calldata for upgrading the rangeVkeyCommitment is: