Upgrading to new op-succinct version

Each new release of op-succinct will specify if it includes:

  • New verification keys
  • Contract changes
  • New op-succinct binary version

Based on what's included:

  • Contract changes → Upgrade the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract
  • New verification keys → Update aggregationVkey, rangeVkeyCommitment and rollupConfigHash parameters
  • New binary → Upgrade Docker images

Upgrade Docker Containers

If you're using Docker, upgrade your containers to use the latest version of op-succinct by checking out the latest release.

Docker images are not built for releases, but we support a docker compose setup for the latest version of op-succinct.

Upgrade Contract

  1. Check out the latest release of op-succinct from here.
  2. Follow the instructions here to upgrade the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract.

Note: As of release beta-v0.3.0, the aggregationVkey, rangeVkeyCommitment and rollupConfigHash are upgradeable without re-initializing the contract.

Update Contract Parameters

If you just need to update the aggregationVkey, rangeVkeyCommitment or rollupConfigHash parameters and not upgrade the contract itself, follow these steps:

  1. Check out the latest release of op-succinct from here.
  2. Follow the instructions here to update the parameters of the OPSuccinctL2OutputOracle contract.