Fault Proof Challenger

The fault proof challenger is a component responsible for monitoring and challenging invalid OP-Succinct fault dispute games on the L1 chain. It continuously scans for invalid games and challenges them to maintain L2 state validity.


Before running the challenger, ensure you have:

  1. Rust toolchain installed (latest stable version)
  2. Access to L1 and L2 network nodes
  3. The DisputeGameFactory contract deployed (See Deploy)
  4. Sufficient ETH balance for:
    • Transaction fees
    • Challenge bonds (proof rewards)
  5. Required environment variables properly configured (See Configuration)


The challenger performs several key functions:

  1. Game Monitoring: Continuously scans for invalid games that need to be challenged
  2. Game Challenging: Challenges invalid games by providing counter-proofs
  3. Game Resolution: Optionally resolves challenged games after their deadline passes
  4. Bond Management: Handles proof rewards and challenge bonds


The challenger is configured through environment variables. Create a .env.challenger file in the project root directory:

Required Environment Variables

L1_RPCL1 RPC endpoint URL
L2_RPCL2 RPC endpoint URL
FACTORY_ADDRESSAddress of the DisputeGameFactory contract
GAME_TYPEType identifier for the dispute game
PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key for transaction signing

Optional Environment Variables

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
FETCH_INTERVALPolling interval in seconds30
ENABLE_GAME_RESOLUTIONWhether to enable automatic game resolutiontrue
MAX_GAMES_TO_CHECK_FOR_CHALLENGEMaximum number of games to scan for challenges100
MAX_GAMES_TO_CHECK_FOR_RESOLUTIONMaximum number of games to check for resolution100
# Required Configuration
L1_RPC=                  # L1 RPC endpoint URL
L2_RPC=                  # L2 RPC endpoint URL
FACTORY_ADDRESS=         # Address of the DisputeGameFactory contract
GAME_TYPE=               # Type identifier for the dispute game
PRIVATE_KEY=             # Private key for transaction signing

# Optional Configuration
FETCH_INTERVAL=30                   # Polling interval in seconds
ENABLE_GAME_RESOLUTION=true        # Whether to enable automatic game resolution
MAX_GAMES_TO_CHECK_FOR_CHALLENGE=100  # Maximum number of games to scan for challenges
MAX_GAMES_TO_CHECK_FOR_RESOLUTION=100 # Maximum number of games to check for resolution


To run the challenger:

cargo run --bin challenger

The challenger will run indefinitely, monitoring for invalid games and challenging them as needed.


Game Monitoring

  • Continuously scans for invalid games
  • Checks game validity against L2 state
  • Prioritizes oldest challengeable games
  • Maintains efficient scanning through configurable limits

Game Challenging

  • Challenges invalid games with counter-proofs
  • Handles proof reward bonds
  • Ensures proper transaction confirmation
  • Provides detailed logging of challenge actions

Game Resolution

When enabled (ENABLE_GAME_RESOLUTION=true), the challenger:

  • Monitors challenged games
  • Resolves games after their resolution period expires
  • Handles resolution of multiple games efficiently
  • Respects game resolution requirements


The challenger is built around the OPSuccinctChallenger struct which manages:

  • Configuration state
  • Wallet management for transactions
  • Game challenging and resolution logic
  • Chain monitoring and interval management

Key components:

  • ChallengerConfig: Handles environment-based configuration
  • handle_game_challenging: Main function for challenging invalid games that:
    • Scans for challengeable games
    • Determines game validity
    • Executes challenge transactions
  • handle_game_resolution: Main function for resolving games that:
    • Checks if resolution is enabled
    • Manages resolution of challenged games
    • Handles resolution confirmations
  • run: Main loop that:
    • Runs at configurable intervals
    • Handles both challenging and resolution
    • Provides error isolation between tasks

Error Handling

The challenger includes robust error handling for:

  • RPC connection issues
  • Transaction failures
  • Contract interaction errors
  • Invalid configurations

Errors are logged with appropriate context to aid in debugging.


When developing or modifying the challenger:

  1. Ensure all environment variables are properly set
  2. Test with a local L1/L2 setup first
  3. Monitor logs for proper operation
  4. Test challenging and resolution separately
  5. Verify proper handling of edge cases
  6. Test with various game states and conditions