Costs Script

The costs script allows you to query the costs of the SP1 Blobstream relayer for a given month.


Run the script with the following arguments:


  • from-address: Source wallet address (0x...)
  • ethereum-rpc: Ethereum RPC endpoint URL
  • base-rpc: Base RPC endpoint URL
  • arbitrum-rpc: Arbitrum RPC endpoint URL
  • month: Month number (1-12)
  • year: Year (e.g. 2023)

How it works:

  1. The script creates a filter to get the HeadUpdate logs emitted by the SP1Blobstream contract, which are emitted whenever a data commitment is posted.
  2. It then queries each chain's node for all the logs that match the filter.
  3. For each log, it gets the transaction receipt.
  4. It sums up the gas used and the effective gas price to get the total fees paid.
  5. It prints out the total fees paid in ETH for each chain.


cargo run --bin costs -- \
  --from-address 0x123... \
  --ethereum-rpc \
  --base-rpc \
  --arbitrum-rpc \
  --month 10 \
  --year 2024
Writing 252 transactions to filtered_transactions/1-10-0x44eB418A966ff47f5AF6f48AEa6Afde0bf193a8d-0x7Cf3876F681Dbb6EdA8f6FfC45D66B996Df08fAe.csv
0x44eB418A966ff47f5AF6f48AEa6Afde0bf193a8d paid 1.5476 ETH sending transactions to 0x7Cf3876F681Dbb6EdA8f6FfC45D66B996Df08fAe during month 10

Current Relayer Configuration

0x44eB418A966ff47f5AF6f48AEa6Afde0bf193a8d is the address of the approved relayer that posts data commitments.