Deploy L2 Output Oracle

The first step in deploying OP Succinct is to deploy a Solidity smart contract that will verify ZKPs of OP derivation (OP's name for their state transition function) and contain the latest state root of your rollup.


1) Clone the op-succinct repo:

git clone
cd op-succinct

2) Set environment variables:

cp .env.example .env

Set the following environment variables:


3) Navigate to the contracts directory:

cd contracts

4) Set Deployment Parameters

Inside the contracts folder there is a file called zkl2ooconfig.json that contains the parameters for the deployment. You will need to fill it with your chain's specific details.

The following parameters are required: proposer, challenger, finalizationPeriod, owner, verifierGateway. The rest of the fields (startingBlockNumber, l2BlockTime, chainId and vkey) are automatically fetched by the fetch-rollup-config script which is invoked by the ZKDeployer forge script. To use a manually set startingBlockNumber, set USE_CACHED_STARTING_BLOCK to true.

startingBlockNumberThe L2 block number at which to start generating validity proofs. This should be set to the current L2 block number. You can fetch this with cast bn --rpc-url <L2_RPC>.
submissionIntervalThe number of L2 blocks between each L1 output submission.
l2BlockTimeThe time in seconds between each L2 block.
proposerThe Ethereum address of the proposer account. If address(0), anyone can submit proofs.
challengerThe Ethereum address of the challenger account. If address(0), no one can dispute proofs.
finalizationPeriodThe time period (in seconds) after which a proposed output becomes finalized. Specifically, the time period after which you can withdraw your funds against the proposed output.
chainIdThe chain ID of the L2 network.
ownerThe Ethereum address of the ZKL2OutputOracle owner, who can update the verification key and verifier address.
vkeyThe verification key for the aggregate program. Run cargo run --bin vkey --release to generate this.
rollupConfigHashThe hash of the rollup config. This is used for non-superchain OP stack configurations.
verifierGatewayThe address of the verifier gateway contract. The canonical Succinct verifiers can be found here.
l2OutputOracleProxyThe address of your OP Stack chain's L2 Output Oracle proxy contract which will be upgraded. Only used in ZKUpgrader.

5) Deploy the ZKL2OutputOracle contract:

This foundry script will deploy the ZKL2OutputOracle contract to the specified L1 RPC and use the provided private key to sign the transaction:

forge script script/ZKDeployer.s.sol:ZKDeployer \
    --rpc-url $L1_RPC \
    --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
    --ffi \
    --verify \
    --verifier etherscan \
    --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY \

If successful, you should see the following output:

Script ran successfully.

== Return ==
0: address 0x9b520F7d8031d45Eb8A1D9fE911038576931ab95

## Setting up 1 EVM.


Chain 11155111

Estimated gas price: 11.826818849 gwei

Estimated total gas used for script: 3012823

Estimated amount required: 0.035632111845100727 ETH


##### sepolia
✅  [Success]Hash: 0xc57d97ac588563406183969e8ea15bc06496915547114b1df4e024c142df07b4
Contract Address: 0x2e4a7Dc6F19BdE1edF1040f855909afF7CcBeDeC
Block: 6633852
Paid: 0.00858210364707003 ETH (1503205 gas * 5.709203766 gwei)

##### sepolia
✅  [Success]Hash: 0x1343094b0be4e89594aedb57fb795d920e7cc1a76288485e8cf248fa206321ed
Block: 6633852
Paid: 0.001907479233443196 ETH (334106 gas * 5.709203766 gwei)

##### sepolia
✅  [Success]Hash: 0x708ce24c69c2637cadd6cffc654cbe2114e9ea4ec1e69838cd45c1fa27981713
Contract Address: 0x9b520F7d8031d45Eb8A1D9fE911038576931ab95
Block: 6633852
Paid: 0.00250654027540581 ETH (439035 gas * 5.709203766 gwei)

✅ Sequence #1 on sepolia | Total Paid: 0.012996123155919036 ETH (2276346 gas * avg 5.709203766 gwei)


Start verification for (2) contracts
Start verifying contract `0x9b520F7d8031d45Eb8A1D9fE911038576931ab95` deployed on sepolia

Submitting verification for [lib/optimism/packages/contracts-bedrock/src/universal/Proxy.sol:Proxy] 0x9b520F7d8031d45Eb8A1D9fE911038576931ab95.


Keep note of the address of the Proxy contract that was deployed, which in this case is 0x9b520F7d8031d45Eb8A1D9fE911038576931ab95.

It is also returned by the script as 0: address 0x9b520F7d8031d45Eb8A1D9fE911038576931ab95.