Query Data Root Proofs


Whenever a new data root commitment is stored on-chain, the merkle proofs need to be made available for end-users to prove the data root's of blocks within those data commitments. This service listens for data root commitment events on-chain and stores the merkle proofs for each data root in the range, which is then exposed via a separate endpoint.

The indexed contracts are configured in deployments.json.

RPC Queries

Query for dataRoot Proof Data

Querying with a block number.


Example response:

  "data": {
    "blockNumber": 247230,
    "rangeHash": "0xafad54e98bdaebacc1f220dd919dda48b84ed0689906c288a4d93dae1ae9d7c5",

Querying with a block hash.


Example response:

  "data": {
    "rangeHash": "0xafad54e98bdaebacc1f220dd919dda48b84ed0689906c288a4d93dae1ae9d7c5",
    "dataCommitment": "0x7b0f5743191b390b3ba21cdda41b3940b37566a9f336b9e37cf0ad94c937242a",

Health of the VectorX contract

Querying for the health of the VectorX contract deployed on Sepolia (chain ID: 11155111) at address 0xbc281367e1F2dB1c3e92255AA2F040B1c642ec75.


Example response:


Note: If logEmitted is false, the contract has not emitted a log in at least the last ethBlocksSinceLastLog blocks.

Range of the VectorX contract

Querying for the range of the VectorX contract deployed on Sepolia (chain ID: 11155111) at address 0xbc281367e1F2dB1c3e92255AA2F040B1c642ec75.


Example response:


Launch the Query Service

Update query/.env with the corresponding variables from .env.example. Then launch the service with:

npm run dev